This is a transcript of the first entry in the minutes book for the Newton Servicemen's Comfort or Welfare Fund, retrieved along with accounts , letters and receipts from the loft of a home in Littlemoor Lane, home of Mr Coupe mentioned in the minutes as Asst. Secretary. Other names will be known to the older residents, among them Thomas Cotton who rescued Newton Old Hall, and Mr Jacquest, headmaster of the school.
Newtons Servicemen's Welfare Fund
Public Meeting Thursday December 7th 1939
Mr R Butler presided. 29 present
Proposed by Mr Cotton seconded by Mr J W Jacquest that Mr R Butler be chairman. Carried unanimously.
Proposed and seconded Mr J W Jacquest be vice chairman .
Proposed seconded and carried that Mr H L Oldfield be appointed secretary and Mr A Coupe assistant secretary.
Proposed by Mr W J Ford seconded by Mr J Johnson that Mr T Cotton be appointed treasurer.
All present were voted to committee en-bloc.
Auditors were appointed namely Mr W J Ford Mr T Kiddy Mr J Johnson
Mr Jacquest proposed and Mr J W Ford seconded that people who were desirous of joining this organisation should be admitted.
Mr A Coupe promised to ascertain whether or not Mount Pleasant was being included in the Blackwell organisation.
Mr J W Jacquest moved a resolution that postal orders of 5 shillings together with a letter asking for their preference of postal order or parcel should be sent by this organisation to Newton servicemen at home or abroad. Seconded by Mr T Kiddy.
Mr Cotton proposed and Mr Ford seconded that house to house collections should be made weekly. Carried.
Mr Jacquest promised To circulate the village warning all householders that collections would be made and explaining for what purpose.
House to house collectors volunteered to cover the following districts:
Sherwood St. Mr T Kiddy, Mr C Webb, Right Hand Side
Miss Smith, Mr N Bamford, Left Hand Side
All Littlemoor Mr Philips
Wire Lane Mr JW Jacquest
Hall Lane ) Mr J Lees
Cragg Lane ) Mr C Ellis
Main St
From Mrs Molyneux Mrs F Ford
To New Inn Mrs Parr
Both sides
Bamford St M Ellis (?)
To Mr Fords Misses J Butler and J Cuthbertson
New St to
Bottom of Newton Mr J Ford & Mr W Buxton
Mr Cotton kindly offered to have cards printed for each householder.
Mr Cotton promised to arrange the printing of cards and books to be kept by each subscriber.
Resolved that a Balance Sheet should be issued periodically.
Mr T Cotton expressed desire to have his name added to the list of guarantors: namely
Mr J W Jacquest
Mr A Coupe
Mrs Wallis
Mr Johnson
Mr F Ford
Mr R Butler
Mr E Butler
Miss Smith
Mr T Kiddy
Mr T Cotton
Date of next meeting Dec 12th 6.30 pm."